Maybe a storm this wkd


New member
i know not to ask specific weather questions but were this weekend do u see the most snow to occour anywere north of the bridge like around calumet or mroe towards the south like twins lakes were exactly do you think the most snow will occour in calumet area will we be not far enough inland with northwest winds i know usually places further inland usually get more snow with strong winds from the northwest sorry for bad typing comp keeps freezin up


Most of the early season snows pile up deeper the further you are from the lake- while still in the lake effect belt. However, we are also in late October, rather than early October, so this is not quite an early season storm. Even so, I would suspect that areas further inland (Twin Lakes, Rockland) might fare better with snowfall from the Sunday/Monday event.


New member
i see is becase of how warm lake superior is or jsut the wind direction i know places around calumet n stuff get alot more snow with west winds and southwest winds i no southwest snow bands here can creat alot of snow happend several times


It will be because of the lakes influence, not really wind direction. Lake will cause liquid precip to fall for periods of the event, which will hold down snowfall amounts.



we got notta here, just a few flurries, what caused it not to happen?


The majority of the energy passed to the west and south of the UP and thus the atmosphere really struggled to make any snow in our neck of the woods. Places like MN, WI, northeast IA and even northern IL got snow instead!

Fine with me, October snow is about as useful as you-know-what's on a bull!
