mechanical question


New member
I am fairly new to this vintage scene, and definitely not a mechanic, although I have cleaned carbs and changed belts. I don't have the shop background tho, to understand the gas/varnish implications in sleds. I know that todays gas causes a varnish type of sticky stuff, and unless I totally drain my sled each spring, I am looking at major carb cleaning before I can ride. My question is, does mixing the gas with oil as I do in my 72 Olympic help to extend the life of the gas? I mixed a new tank of gas at the end of the season last year, and of course it ended up being 20 below, and I didn't ride it on the last vintage ride in march. So I have a fairly full tank plus the gas can full of last years gas. Being a miserly type of gal, I really have a hard time just throwing it out. Will I put my Oly in danger by not taking out this old gas? And what else can I burn mixed gas in instead of throwing it out? I have mixed reviews from various friends so thought I would seek out a larger audience for opinions.


Well-known member
What kind of gas? What Octane? If regular ethanol blend water will settle to bottom & gas will float on top & oil will be somewhere in between. Did you use a stabilizer last year. If 100% high octane gas you might be ok since vintage does not need high octane gas just shake the can up then use the gas quickly run out use fresh 100% gas next time. Someone can probably give you octane loss per month but it is a fast loss in first 2 months not sure after that. Rule of thumb if in doubt about crap gas don't use it. You can dump in car/truck with full tank & will burn up just don't dump a lot in on an empty tank. Good luck!


Well-known member
Regardless of what it is, I would not use it. Siphon it into a gas can and slowly us a little in your vehicle every time you fill up. That way it doesn't go to waste. Always start the season with fresh gas in the sleds tank and your gas can. Just not worth the hassle taking a chance on old gas.