Meester Bleezard Please!


Well-known member
Well, for the first time in quite some time, the NWS Mqt has issued a Winter Storm Watch. I certainly hope that something comes out of it here in the Northwoods, we sure could use it. We have a great base, just need some thick frosting on the cake! Heere Bleezard Bleezard!-Mezz


Well-known member
Up-dated forecast

The NWS Mqt has changed the Winter Storm Watch to a Lake Effect Snow Watch beginning Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday afternoon. Up to 10" of accumulation is possible. We here in the "Keweenaw Peninsula" have not had a Watch or Warning of any kind for at least 3weeks or more. At the very least it is encouraging to hear. When I woke up Saturday morning my built in barometer (lower back) was beginning to have a twinges of a dull ache, Sunday morning it was a tad more prominant. While out riding Sunday I told my buddies that I felt that something was about to change, hopefully that will be the case here & not snow everywhere else around us. Heere Bleezard Bleezard!-Mezz


Well-known member
'Meester Bleezard' What's that? That's a foreign word right? ;)
I only use it at the Dairy Queen drive thru. lol

THINK SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Dance Dance Dance!

We need it sooo much here, it really is not funny. Sure, there have been some isolated snows in Northern Keweenaw county in the past week or 2, but, really amounts to nothing more than a mere band aid which gives a very short refreshening. We have had 1 Watch posted which quickly fell off the NWS advisory back on the 13th of Feb, since then, not a thing. I guess at this point, we should be counting our blessings that we have not really lost anything significant through out the last couple of months. Nonetheless, Meester Bleezard, Uncle LES, Aunt Arctic & Cousin Squally need to do an about face, march double time & drop & give us 20! I don't think that's asking for much, favorite number would be 50, but I don't want to sound greedy, just drop!-Mezz
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New member
We need it sooo much here, it really is not funny. Sure, there have been some isolataed snows in Northern Keweenaw county in the past week or 2, but, really amounts to nothing more than a mere band aid which gives a very short refreshening. We have had 1 Watch posted which quickly fell off the NWS advisory back on the 13th of Feb, since then, not a thing. I guess at this point, we should be counting our blessings that we have not really lost anything significant through out the last couple of months. Nonetheless, Meester Bleezard, Uncle LES, Aunt Arctic & Cousin Squally need to do an about face, march double time & drop & give us 20! I don't think that's asking for much, favorite number would be 50, but I don't want to sound greedy, just drop!-Mezz



New member
Gee....we must have gotten at least 2 whole inches of snow over night here in Marquette....and its still snowing...wait ,it stopped...wait, theres a flake....oops, its gone again....wait....there's another.


New member
I have to amend my earlier has been snowing pretty good the past couple of hours...we now have 4-6" of new snow!