Merry Christmas to all, and may you all have a wonderful 2012. Santa left tracks in the snow, yes, awoke to snow, now how much it will amount to is everyones guess, but it was the nicest gift to wake up to!
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and may 2012 be good to you. Yes, some snowing and blowing here-when daylight we can tell how much or how little. We welcome every snowflake.
Thank you John Dee for this website-sure has created alot of friendships. Blessings to all.
Merry Christmas to everyone. I definately received the best gift off all. Dec. 20 my wife and I welcomed our first child! Baby girl and a true gift from god. This has been the best Christmas ever!
Merry Christmas everyone!! Had to watch the marathon too....took three attempts to see the movie in it's entirety with all the family chatter goin on...LOL.......gotta love Ralphie. " I triple dog dare ya!"