Michigan lockdown start the revolution!

So it wasn't enough for MI governor to trash the traditional Mi gun deer season by shutting up all the restaurants and bars? Now 12 more days!!!!
REALLY........WHEN IS ENOUGH .....ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!

How will the U.P. businesses survive when almost all of the recreation is shut down? If snowmobilers can't ride across the U.P. now most of the good business for the year will be lost to these places bars, restaurants, supper clubs, restrictions on lodging how can they possibly make it with this craziness?


Where is MISORVA on all of this?

The next thing you know they'll be quarantining all groomer drivers!

We have multiple trips across the U.P. planned and that includes alot of Wisconsin dollars to be spent. Five to six trips averaging 5 days or better in the U.P..
I am cancelling the first one for December 17th - 20th today........thats 9 motel rooms, gas, oil, riders permits, food, drink the whole shooting match!

I feel really sorry for our good friends in the U.P. that own these businesses!

Unite and stop this madness. Contact your state representatives and local leaders......We're with you!!

Hopefully if we can make enough noise your gov will be recalled and sent packin.


Well-known member
Agreed! Agreed! Agreed! X100!!! People just don't get it! wasn't worth the economic damage in the beginning, definitely not worth it anymore knowing what we know! While we force businesses to shutter, close for good, people lose their livelihood and their dreams of no fault to their own! WHAT A JOKE!! And it will be a complete shame if the Northwoods will not be allowed to function in such a short season that is already highly dependent on mother nature.


Well-known member
There is NO Reasoning with the politicians. None. They live in their own little fake reality...NOT based on, in their words "the science". I think the only resolution at this point for businesses is to simply overwhelm the enforcers (police, etc.) and all stay open. This is easier (not easy) for mom and pop type businesses since most major chain type businesses don't have the stomach to go against these unconstitutional executive orders. I'm affiliated with one of them and know first hand the "chains" won't go against the political leaders. Tough times for sure, but I can tell you I'm just sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for the citizens of this country to not only say enough is enough but to follow it up with actions on a large scale instead of it being one here, one over there...


Active member
You can't make someone who's never laid in bed at night wondering how they will make ends meet, or feed their family, understand how much they are hurting people. They have no ability to be emphatic of people on the other end of the spectrum from them. It's not their dream they are destroying so they just brush it aside. The hard lesson that life taught me way to young. Life is not fair. I worry so much for the small businesses of this country, because what matters to government is the big ones.


Well-known member
Over 100,000 bars and restaurants have been forced to close permanently, another 10,000 expected by the end on 2020 with even greater numbers coming this winter. What is this accomplishing???


Well-known member
Over 100,000 bars and restaurants have been forced to close permanently, another 10,000 expected by the end on 2020 with even greater numbers coming this winter. What is this accomplishing???

What it's accomplishing is the politicians are seeing how much they can get away with in order to secure their authoritarian approach to ruling. Yes I said ruling. Then, once they soften us up they will head to Washington when someone like them gets into office that is like minded they can get a government bailout to "fix" their state budgets allowing them to continue their crazy policies even further because even when they are wrong...they say they just need more money to make their plans succeed. It's lunacy...
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Lost Sheep

New member
What it's accomplishing is the politicians are seeing how much they can get away with in order to secure their authoritarian approach to ruling. Yes I said ruling. Then, once they soften us up they will head to Washington when someone like Biden or Harris are in and get a government bailout to "fix" their state budgets allowing them to continue their crazy policies even further because even when they are wrong...they say they just need more money to make their plans succeed. It's lunacy...



Staff member
Let's keep politics out please!

Vent all you want, but please do not mention specific names or political affiliations!
