Mid-day Update


New member
John - I have been watching for a mid-day update and so far nothing yet, which I hope is good for my area! I am assuming that means you are sticking with senerio #1, in which the heavier snow will be over the EUP and NWL?

I am closley watching the weather this week, as I have a group heading up to the Mancelona area Thur - Sun to ride, so very hopefull we are in the snow band. Where do you see the heavy snow occuring right now, maybe NW of a line from Cheboygan to Grayling over to Traverse City? Just hopeful we don't see to much rain as the snow was excellent up there last weekend!




New member
I would say give him more time it's only 11:45am (cst) here now. Same here whitedust. Glad somebodys going to get it. Cant wait to see the update.
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Staff member
Sorry. I had to step out to pick up some items for the ride in from a few businesses that had stuff, but the managers were leaving early today.

Anyway, I have put the midday note in the text, but the bottom line is the wild card scenario looks to be even more of a wild card as all models indicate the idea I presented in the graphics this morning. Still not a done deal, but looks even more likely than this morning.



Well-known member
John, I'm a little confused by your update, as you stated, "The model representing the wild card idea of the heaviest snot to fall in the West Central & North Central WI as well as the Western 1/2 of the UP has joined in on the other models." Now, does this mean we are going to need a large kleenex? lol, Seriously, is the Western 1/2 of the UP in it or not?-Mezz

Never mind, I re read it, it's clear as snot now!
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Staff member
No, the western 1/2 of the UP will be missed by both the heaviest band of snow and snot with the low tomorrow.
