Milwaukee Sno Cross 12/18 - 12/19


New member
Hey All,

In order to show our support of the sport, it's the intention of this post to inform you that like me you may have missed the fact that the ISOC SNOCROSS series is coming to Milwaukee this weekend.

Check out their webpage at this address:

Come and enjoy the thrills and spills of snocross at the historic Milwaukee Mile.

The more the merrier!



Cant make it...Christmas stuff with the kids. But I did watch it online with my kids when they were in Duluth. Awesome show and I'm sure it's even better live.

Cat Woman

New member

I for one would love to come watch it. Is it really going to cost my husband and I $70 to get in or is that price to race?


New member
I for one would love to come watch it. Is it really going to cost my husband and I $70 to get in or is that price to race?

Pretty sure that is at the gate! Not to race. Looks like the price went up again. I used to go to the Lake Geneva race. Used to be like 15 or 20 bucks. I quit going when it went up to 35. Crazy...


New member
$35 for a weekend isn't that bad....but $35 for one night is ridiculous. Especially when a lot of the trail systems are open in the state. I would rather ride myself than go watch since the trails are open.


New member
Considering the cost of a baseball, basketball, or football game the cost for an entire days worth of racing action seems worth it. For $45 I can get a two day ticket. Lots of fun for me and my boys. Just as a comparison - A couple of years ago I saw U2 at $90 a ticket - it was a terrible concert at the BC here in MKE. A complete waste of time and money.

If you're a race fan then you'll be out to enjoy the event. It might just be the best racing action at the State Fair grounds for some time.


New member
Considering the cost of a baseball, basketball, or football game the cost for an entire days worth of racing action seems worth it. For $45 I can get a two day ticket. Lots of fun for me and my boys. Just as a comparison - A couple of years ago I saw U2 at $90 a ticket - it was a terrible concert at the BC here in MKE. A complete waste of time and money.

If you're a race fan then you'll be out to enjoy the event. It might just be the best racing action at the State Fair grounds for some time.

I guess I never looked at this way! Thanks for opening my eyes. I'm sure a packer game would cost a lot more for a ticket. Thank you!


I took my daughter and my son to the duluth race, I live 2.5 hours away in the cities and had to pay $10 to park and it was like $65 or $75 to get in. I don't think it was worth it for me, because I had to pay for food and drinks which I'm sure put me in the $150.00 to $200.00 for the day. I can buy a video of racing or a Slednecks type video for $20 to $30 and watch the same stuff in my own home. I think their getting way over priced and their going to start loosing viewers. For $200.00 I can take the whole family up to the cabin and eat out.


New member
Comparing the NFL to sno cross races is not a fair comparison. Sno cross is no where near as big as a Packers game and the prices aren't going to draw people in. If they want to draw a non-snowmobiling crowd in they need to reduce those prices.