missing riding


New member
I miss riding in the up. I lost my job of 24 year last Feb. Good news is I did get another job in March, but lost my time of all 6 weeks vacation time I had. Now its snowmobling time, I been coming to the u.p. since 94-95 winter for 2-3 weeks a year. We been mostly in the westeren u.p. riding with my wife and I for most of our trips, some trips with my brother, and freinds, but all with my wife. Now here we sit and watch the web site thinking of all the great times we had and with the snow starting to fall thinking we should be there . Post some pictures of your trips so the rest of us can see all the fun everyone is having. I'am trying to talk my new boss into letting me take off, will see how that goes. With a lot of luck maybe we be able to go this year?
So everyone going to the u.p. have a graet time ans be safe. For the poeple depending on the snow to make money hopefully it keeps snowing the rest of the winter to help your busineses out.


Active member
You should have asked for a couple weeks of vacation before accepting the new job.I was able to get two weeks out of my current employer along with a higher salary.