Model question.


New member
Okay, trying to skirt the forum rules a bit here so go ahead and whack this one down if inappropriate :)

With regards to the current Forecast Graphic and the 32 degree max temp line.

The "other" forecasts that I have seen seem to indicate the the line being much further north the north than you show starting tomorrow and through the rest of the week. Can you provide any more details on what the various models you use are indicating with regards to temperature ie is there a large deviation between the models or are they fairly consistent?

Thanks in advance, and apologies if this is too specific.

Ps. Is there an appropriate forum in which to raise questions/discussions surrounding the current weather/forecast?

Mike (PM me if you would like more specifics with regards to "other"'s)


Staff member
I can't speak for the "other" forecasts, but I use a blend of several models in all of my forecasts. Almost never follow one forecast model verbatim.
