models and AWIPS


New member
What are your thoughts on using multiple models? I heard somewhere that mets in europe use one model and adjust for local conditions, where mets in the states use multiple models. Which method do you use?

Without giving away too many secrets, do you have a software suite similar to AWIPS or something completely different? I am assuming you do not have an 88D so do you get your radar and surface conditions from the net or do you have a feed from somewhere else?

I am not trying to get trade secrets from you, but I am familar with the NWS and was wondering what kind of tech you had.



Staff member
Don't worry, I won't divulge too many of the details to my techniques, but I will say that I:

1) Always look at more than one model to produce a forecast, sometimes as many as 4 or 5.

2) Almost never follow model guidance verbatim. There is almost always some kind of personal adjustment made to any model guidance I receive- especially when it comes to lake effect snow.

As for my equipment...I use 4 desktop computers, each with a separate monitor set in an array, sort of a home made workstation I guess you could say. Almost all of the info I look at is from free sources on the internet. I do pay for some data though, but it is pretty specialized and cannot be found on the net.
