Moisture amounts for the weekend?


Well-known member
So I deal with farmers for a living. You know how men like to talk about the weather... We have broke the feb. snowfall record and the snow piles are absolutley insane. Drifts as well. My elderly neighbor has a drift in his back yard that is only a foot or two under his eve trough. Crazy!! However I just had a group of customers all chatting about this snow storm and then the one for the weekend. Guy pulled out his agweb weather app on his phone and the precip for saturday, just saturday was showing 3.79 inches of rain. I haven't seen that anywhere else. I don't like the idea of rain in the winter obviously but 3.79 inches of rain with the snow we have would be devastating! I have seen NWS throwing around 1-1.5 total water for the weekend in whole. Is that closer to what you are seeing? IF we get 4 inches of water I should be out with the dozer plowing paths for the water to run!! Praying that the snow line keeps moving further south. I would rather push 3 feet of snow then get rain with the amount of snow we have. Flooding would be terrible! I hope I am not treading on the rules here BTW.


Well-known member
Thanks John!! You map this morning kinda depressed me. I see I am only in the 1-4 so I was thinking that meant mostly rain. I hope you are right!! As of now like you say anyway!


Staff member
Perhaps I did not realize exactly where you were in the SE corner of the state. If you around Caledonia or Houston, then there could be something other than pure snow that falls, especially during the first half of the storm. If you are NW of a line from around Le Roy to Winona, then mostly snow...The way things look right now. I feel there may still be some changes made that could influence folks right on the line or very near it.



Well-known member
Yep Caledonia is me!! Gonna be a tough forecast I am sure. Just would rather push a foot of snow than deal with rain on top of all this white gold!!

old abe

Well-known member
Yep Caledonia is me!! Gonna be a tough forecast I am sure. Just would rather push a foot of snow than deal with rain on top of all this white gold!!

We don't have the snow you do slimcake, but heavy rain will be devastating. We are waiting to see how this weekend turns out, so as where to head for riding. The wife is still confined to that immobilizer. SUCKS!