Mole Lake to phelps


Has anyone road Mole Lake to Phelps before? Might make this ride right after christmas.How are the trails around there now?


Active member
We started near antigo and went north on the RR grade to tipler then over to phelps and land o lakes. The grade is boring but it gets you there in a hurry. Came back through conover, eagle river, three lakes. This was last year and the year before. Both in late january. Always seems to be more snow on the eastern route, prolly cuz of less traffic.

I dont recall if you can go north to crandon and then north to Phelps, or if you gotta hit either the eastern or western routes we took. Maybe whitedust knows if there is a trail south to crandon.


Well-known member
I don't ride south of 3 lakes but there is a trail to Hiles that dumps you out on the Kimball N. & take the long way around that hooks 10E into 6W. I take FRS to Phelps when I ride to 3 lakes so getting you to Phelps the way I go would get you hopelessly lost. Get gas in 3 lakes nothing until Phelps or you pay big time at Brule River Tap & old gas to boot.