Month ahead?



Hi John. I live over here in farm country in the north Red River Valley in MN. I don't farm but I know many farmers. This is the time of year when there are farm shows here and there just about every week. They always have a regional farm forecaster to offer his take on the weather for the upcoming farming season. They are all saying early and dry. The valley froze up with about average soil moisture conditions. The frost is not very deep as we have had very few sub zero temps. It is supposed to touch 50 in Fargo this weekend. It won't get that warm here as we do have a little bit of white on the fields but if it gets to 40 for a couple of days we will be black. When the fields get black the daytime highs will jump about 10 degrees if there is any sun at all. It feels more like the end of March than the end of Feb. Barring a huge rain/snow event there will be no flooding. Which is great. I have seen enough flooding in my life. Do you see any month out activity that could change the current outlook? Either cold or wet? Thanks.


Well-known member
I had crazy weather here, Monday, was in 60's and sunny, like a spring day!
Tuesday was 40-35, degree's and looked like was going to snow all day!

wed , went from 10 degree's to 40,
then Wed Nite had a tornado blow past me a few miles away,(tornado are super rare here and only 3 known to have even been in this STATE in Feb, period)
followed by 30 degree's temps, then sleet and snow and then 3 inches of rain
I hate it when it rains and its BELOW FREEZING< That crap should be all snow IMO LOL

then a freeze, and 1 inch of snow and calling for upper 50's, tomorrow, then back to cold again
then a warm up after that LOL

crazy weather

as for farmers, I do some myself, and after all this rain from this week, a LOT of fields here have serious ditches from the rain and the soft muddy ground
so there will be a LOT of repair work before anything gets planted here! !!


Staff member
The truth is, going beyond day 7 typically starts to get sketchy. I can say that the models out to day 15 do not indicate anything major to change in the overall pattern.
