More Black Eyes on the Sport


New member
As reported on the Oneida County Sheriff's Office Facebook page, over the weekend there were eight arrests for DNR OWI, multiple reported accidents, and numerous snowmobile violation stops. This is just what was reported or located.


Well-known member
Well this morning is not full of good news that I like to read. Trail closed in St. Germain

Wait...what???? but but but there is snow on the ground and I pay my registration...what do you mean I cant ride where I want to??? LOL another big thanks to those who are above the rules!! give yourself a great big pat on the back, followed by a big KICK IN THE ASS!!!!


Well-known member
How many motorist got DUI's and drug bust happened that weekend? Might as well report everything if you are looking to be dramatic..
Agree... we should have a weekly special covering all OWI or DWI arrests, especially the repeat offenders and repeat repeat offenders because if we don't stop them it usually ends up not finishing well for those who who end up in accidents involving D and OWI who do follow the law.


Well-known member
It doesn't matter what bikers or auto drivers are doing, there is a big focus on Snowmobiling right now up here and it's all over the local news and local papers weekly. The sad thing is it is not good news that is being reported, it's things like trespassing, off trail riding, OWI's, accidents that include fatalities all which are very negative for the sport. I get that people want enjoy a drink at the bar but for God's sake be careful people, you don't have to get trashed and if you do stay put and don't get back on the snowmobile.

Tim in Indiana

Active member
Here you go, more problems for some of us to blow off. I went looking for the post from last week complaining about sledders running into or narrowly missing the groomer. There were also sledders flipping off the groomer operator. I couldn't find it but that one was in the Vilas paper.

I hadn't seen this one from January 29th.

Another trail closure

You can continue to minimalize these problems but it isn't going to change the negative trend that is happening. Anti-sled people have momentum and they are using each of these mishaps to further their cause.

And it really doesn't matter what any of our opinions are, the landowners opinion is the only one that matters.


Well-known member
Here you go, more problems for some of us to blow off. I went looking for the post from last week complaining about sledders running into or narrowly missing the groomer. There were also sledders flipping off the groomer operator. I couldn't find it but that one was in the Vilas paper.

I hadn't seen this one from January 29th.

Another trail closure

You can continue to minimalize these problems but it isn't going to change the negative trend that is happening. Anti-sled people have momentum and they are using each of these mishaps to further their cause.

And it really doesn't matter what any of our opinions are, the landowners opinion is the only one that matters.


Well-known member
Here you go, more problems for some of us to blow off. I went looking for the post from last week complaining about sledders running into or narrowly missing the groomer. There were also sledders flipping off the groomer operator. I couldn't find it but that one was in the Vilas paper.

I hadn't seen this one from January 29th.

Another trail closure

You can continue to minimalize these problems but it isn't going to change the negative trend that is happening. Anti-sled people have momentum and they are using each of these mishaps to further their cause.

And it really doesn't matter what any of our opinions are, the landowners opinion is the only one that matters.
Tim, you are correct, this is just more fuel for the anti-sled people and they are growing in numbers.

Tim in Indiana

Active member
It doesn't matter what bikers or auto drivers are doing, there is a big focus on Snowmobiling right now up here and it's all over the local news and local papers weekly. The sad thing is it is not good news that is being reported, it's things like trespassing, off trail riding, OWI's, accidents that include fatalities all which are very negative for the sport. I get that people want enjoy a drink at the bar but for God's sake be careful people, you don't have to get trashed and if you do stay put and don't get back on the snowmobile.
Absolutely correct. It is like everything else these days. The media gets a hold of something and beats it to death until the next thing comes along. Doesn't matter to them what it is as long as it gets views or clicks.

Right now sledding is what's being talked about by the locals. Last night at dinner I heard about trespassing, reckless riding, etc. from several people at the bar.

What most sledders don't see is what happens on the Tuesdays or Wednesdays when the locals venture out. Most locals, or full time residents avoid the weekend crush of sledders. Those that may go to bars or restaurants stay home because of the crowds.

Hell, I avoid them and I ride 2,000 plus miles a year. I don't want to listen to the loud BS, wait for tables or service.

To be honest, the only non-sledders that support us being here are those that make money off it. Most would prefer it go away.


Well-known member
Yep....keep riding off trail and keep putting loud cans on your sleds...we have several trails in our area too with unhappy land owners, will be an interesting off season up here, to say the least. What some people don't realize is that during Covid a lot of people moved up here (the northwoods of Wisconsin)...and I mean alot...Lakeland High School for example added 250 new students in 2021, and I was told the numbers were the same for Northland Pines (Eagle River), and Tomahawk...there was also an increase in new students in 2022 for all three...though not as much.....I'd love to think that many of the people who moved here are snowmobilers....but that just isn't the case....most of these people came from traditional "Blue" areas (Milwaukee, Chicago, Minneapolis), and they mostly support silent sports...We are starting to get out numbered up here...there are more who don't ride than do...we are the minority.


Well-known member
A lot of those people that moved up here in NW were people that were sick of the cities and what is happening in them and in the Southern part of the state. They were also people that had second homes up here and could do so, most tend to be conservative up here anyway, not saying that it was all conservatives, just higher percentage and you can see that in election results. At the grade school in MW/Boulder/PI and whoever else they serve there was a healthy increase in new kids attending mostly because of COVID 2 years ago. At a recent meeting in our town the discussion was where do we see the town in 10 years. There were some pretty different views, my view was that we need to be ourselves as a northwoods town, and personally I said we should proceed carefully and not just build things that might be good for people that don't live here, but for the 10% that stay and live here year round. MW has grown substansially in the past 20 years and continues to under pretty good leadership in my opinion. The real issue up here right now is affordable housing for people that want to live and work here, property costs have exploded and not only on the lakes so if you can't have a place for them to live you are going to have a labor shortage and that is currently what we have. Time will tell.


Well-known member
Vilas is still a very red county for every election.
But remember how many issues you guys had up there getting atv and utv was like pulling teeth guys had alot of "greenies" at those meetings that were against them


Well-known member
But remember how many issues you guys had up there getting atv and utv was like pulling teeth guys had alot of "greenies" at those meetings that were against them
Yes and No but the DNR in Vilas is ultra green so easy for greenies to get support from DNR. They are coming for your wake boats getting organized to establish local ordinances regarding boat density and type of boat. Stuff that would never fly south of Vilas county.

Tim in Indiana

Active member
But remember how many issues you guys had up there getting atv and utv was like pulling teeth guys had alot of "greenies" at those meetings that were against them
Absolutely true. And the fight isn't over. In PI it was very heated and there were long term friendships that ended because of the ATV division. If the silent sports people can replace one of the town chair seats this year they will probably rescind the ATV ruling. It happened next door in Winchester, they had it and lost it in less than a year.

We're no different than other places that has experienced an influx of new people. Colorado, parts of Texas, etc. The Californians fled their messed up state and then proceeded to turn their new state into a mini-California.

What makes the Northwoods great has very little in common with Madison, Chicago or Milwaukee. But you still hear some of the new transplants complaining about what they had and wish they had here.


Well-known member
Also important to remember the finical boom that snowmobiling is for the Northwoods economy lots of business supporters that won’t go away.


Well-known member
Also important to remember the finical boom that snowmobiling is for the Northwoods economy lots of business supporters that won’t go away.
True...but if we keep losing trails due to's gonna hurt...and remember...snowmobiling is really a dying sport...the average age of a snowmobiler is 52...and getting older each year...utv/atv's though are exploding..especially with younger people