motion sickness


Active member
Always take draminine half hour before riding, works great if you use it before you become sick.
Very possible you are low a b vitamin, especially b9 (folate). I had some crazy stuff going on a few years ago, was an inherited genetic thing. I did saliva DNA test from and figured it out. Welcome to 21st century medicine.



New member
thanks for info

I was told this by another rider this week, he thought it was my Bv2 helmet ,to claustrophobic


New member
Wife has same problem,.. Dramamine for her also.
That has GOT to be horrible.
She hardly rides any more,.. takes the fun out of it for her.


New member
motion sickness.

Me and a friend both have it really bad.Have tried the dramine thing, and everyone is right .It makes you tired . We now use an over the counter travel sickness drug with the active ingredient Meclizine. It will do the job! Can be found at Walmart or any pharmacy. Just a few more helpful tips. If its a long ride in the pickup to get to MI or wherever your riding, and you arrive midday,don't ride that day. Your system is already messed up. Let it calm down.Take 2 of the 25mg Meclizine the next day an hr ahead of riding and another every 4hrs .I used to have all what you described,the throwing up and feeling terrible.Once its that bad it takes a while to get feeling better.Please give it a try,I know it will help

Grant Hoar

New member
Get your sled tuned to eliminate the darting!

On a serious note, check into sinus infection or inner ear blockage / infection. That can throw your equilibrium off and cause this. Had it happen to me one time riding on a pretty straight trail, and barely pulled to the side and got the helmet off before launching my dinner all over the trail.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I have two thoughts on this!
I would get dizzy and virtigo and found I had a pinched nerve in my neck! caused by a heavy helmet!
I bought a Klim carbon one and seems much better!
Also if the helmet is a bit loose and bobs up and down a bit making the visor or goggles buffit in front of your eyes can give motion sickness!
Just my thoughts!
side note: I went to the Indy500 last weekend for the first time at a Nascar and it was nasty on my motion sickness! had to go walk around and quit watching for awhile! I had good seats by the finish line which prob made it worse!
Pretty sure that was the one and only experience for Nascar for me!
Good luck
Scottiking OUT


I used to have a big old clunky helmet also. It was heavy and would do the same thing scottiking describes. I bought a new lighter one also and it made a big difference. I still use the old clunky one in the summer to go weed-eating so it was not a total lost investment.
And don't follow the sleds in front of you too closely. I can get nauseous from 2 stroke exhaust if conditions are right. Then again, I love the smell of Klotz burning!