I'm looking to get into motorcycling, tonite at the Basic Riding Course Class, the instructors were discussing riding gear, which I didn't think would be quite so similar to snow gear, I'm coming due for a new snow gear setup, I'm wondering if I select wisely if I can hit 2 birds with one stone... More specifically,
BRP Modular helemet, if you take the breath box off, can it be used for motorcycling?
If I look for a Snow jacket that has somewhat reinforced shoulders/elbows cordura, etc, zipout liner and vents is it sufficient for motorcycling? I'm thinking that in a scenario of sliding across a road it wouldn't be as protective as leathers??
As far as pants, you rarely ever see anyone on motorcycle wearing anything other than jeans, or seems that way anyway. Can goretex noninsulated pants double as raingear?
I'm not sure what biking will turn into for me, I envision it as the summertime version of snowmobiling, but less work, no trailers, better fuel economy... The thought of a saddlebag trip, maybe camping out of it does interest the heck out of me. I bought a used HD superglide (havn't ridden it yet), seems most of the cruiser riders hardly ever wear anything for protective gear other that sunglasses and boots. I know that its probably not necessary to fully gear up for an occasional cruise around town, but on the other hand, thats a poor mindset as most accidents happen close to home. By the way, I have never ridden a motorcycle, probably why my questions are so basic, will start out by riding low traveled country roads after the BRC and progress from there...
Thanks in advance for your input!
BRP Modular helemet, if you take the breath box off, can it be used for motorcycling?
If I look for a Snow jacket that has somewhat reinforced shoulders/elbows cordura, etc, zipout liner and vents is it sufficient for motorcycling? I'm thinking that in a scenario of sliding across a road it wouldn't be as protective as leathers??
As far as pants, you rarely ever see anyone on motorcycle wearing anything other than jeans, or seems that way anyway. Can goretex noninsulated pants double as raingear?
I'm not sure what biking will turn into for me, I envision it as the summertime version of snowmobiling, but less work, no trailers, better fuel economy... The thought of a saddlebag trip, maybe camping out of it does interest the heck out of me. I bought a used HD superglide (havn't ridden it yet), seems most of the cruiser riders hardly ever wear anything for protective gear other that sunglasses and boots. I know that its probably not necessary to fully gear up for an occasional cruise around town, but on the other hand, thats a poor mindset as most accidents happen close to home. By the way, I have never ridden a motorcycle, probably why my questions are so basic, will start out by riding low traveled country roads after the BRC and progress from there...
Thanks in advance for your input!