Beakjones, you ride? I hear the John Muir trail is the one to ride, any thoughts.
heh, just four or five days on the average week
I do some racing in sport class, I plan on doing a bunch more of the WORS races next year, i'm not competitive, but it is a lot of fun.
John Muir trails = awesomeness. If you mean compared to Emma Carlin, then you can do both in the same day! It kind of depends on the shape you're in, but my reccomended route is the "fully monty", which is the Blue loop at Muir, the connector trail to Emma Carlin trails, the full outer loop there, the connector back (two mostly seperate one way ~5 mile trails) and then finish off at the parking lot. It is ~27 miles and will take the average mortal every bit of 3-4 hours. If you're looking for shorter, I like to do a warm-up on the Brown loop (1 mile) and then a Blue loop (10 miles), which will take most people 1-1.5 hours.