MSA All-Sports Show & Swap Meet 9/23/-9/25

I saw in AmSnow they're combining this swap with AmSnow's shootout. If anyone has gone to this swap meet when it was in Hastings MI, I'm wondering how large it is because I'm looking for a sled and I'm thinking of driving from N. IL to check it out. I would appreciate any feedback not only on the swap but the whole event.


New member
MSA snow show..

should be the same as years past,...Big swap meet ,new and used sleds go to any Q. call them


New member
The MSA Snow Show & Swap Meet in conjunction American Snowmobiler's Super SLed Shoot Out with will be SEPT 23 & 24 at US 131 Motorsports Park. This will REPLACE the show previously held at the Barry Expo Center in Hastings in October. NEW THIS YEAR... Call by Sept 15 to PRE PURCHASE YOUR SWAP SPACE AND PICK YOUR PRIME LOCATION they are filling fast!! Call the office at 616/361-5861!


New member
FYI.....hastings will STILL have a swap meet this year. But yes, MSA has moved their swap meet to the AmSnow event. Good luck to both events!