MSA and what it is.


New member
Posted 14 October 2008 - 06:33 PM

MSA is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to the success of snowmobiling in Michigan. MSA facilitates the over $10 million dollar snowmobile program, that is funded 100 percent by you – the snowmobiler. By joining MSA, you have greater legislative power. MSA is your voice in Lansing and Washington D.C. -- monitoring regulations and proposed legislation that will affect snowmobiling. Make no mistake, without MSA’s involvement, continued monitoring and influence, you wouldn’t have a trail system!

Since the inception of MSA, 2,500 miles of quality trail have been added to our state trail system that now boasts of over 6,500 miles of marked and groomed trails and over 30,000 more miles of undeveloped trails in state and federal forests where snowmobiling is permitted.

To further your voice in Lansing, MSA has a full-time legislative consultant and a full-time office staff, all working on snowmobile-related issues -- locally, statewide and in Washington, D.C. MSA has a large presence on the Snowmobile Advisory Committee (SAC), a state board that makes recommendations on our trail program.
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Active member
I see a date of 2008.

SAC was dumped and is now MSTAC (michigan snowmobile trails and advisory council) with MSA reps chairing 2 or 3 of the 11 positions on the committee