MSU football reinstates Chris L. Rucker


New member
This is total BS. The guys is already on probation for beating up kids in the Rather Hall incident and was given a second chance and then gets a OWI (knocked down to reckless driving) and serves 8 days in jail and Dantonio puts him back on the team...c'mon


New member
CL Rucker reinstated

I'm a huge Spartan fan, and I must admit that I was pretty disappointed to see Dantanio reinstate Rucker. He should have been kicked off the team and out of MSU in my opinion.
Go Green! Beat those Hawks tomorrow!!!


New member
MSU vs. Iowa

Yep - you were right, we got the crap kicked out of us today.
It'll be OK - it will just rattle our cage a bit, and then we'll run the table the rest of the way (Big Ten Champs - Rose Bowl Champs)!


Active member
Yeah, the rest of your schedule is pretty soft, we have to get by Ohio State. I think we can do it.
We'll see.

Marty P

New member
College football on any level is 100% better than watching the "pro" teams...being from Iowa I have to say: Go IOWA!! if they just hadn't given that game to Wisconsin last week...


New member
College vs. Pro

I agree totally! I can watch College football from noon to midnight - on the other hand, I can't hardly sit through a whole game of 'pro' ball...