Munising/Newberry/Kingston Plains/Northeast UP Conditions


New member
Haven't seen any snow reports from these areas. Wondering if anyone has been or is in these areas. Thank you for the heads-up!


There is little to no snow, talked to the lady I reserved my cabin from and they had no snow on the ground last week. If you look at the NCN cam of newberry it looks like a light dusting on the ground.


New member
We're in Seney and picked up 4-6 last night, on top of dust. Not nearly as wet and heavy as predicted. We did trailer to Toivola and ride Sunday. Trails looked great and off trail was ok, just not very deep, but it was fun to get a ride in.


Well-known member
The cheerleader website for the area is..

The trails must be pretty bad to have no update since last March. I mean, come on; not even an update on a few inches of snow or a booster about the LES they received in the past two days. Piss poor management. I guess they are not the "snowmobile capitol of the Midwest" any longer.


strictly off the web cam at Renze Powersports, looks like they were in a sweet spot yesterday, couple of guys on a FB page said around 8 inches? Thats the rumor anyway.


Active member
Im down by the Buckhorn. Yesterday - last night we got about a foot. Had 6" on the ground.

George just put up the snow depth board on the web cam at the whitefawn.
Its a pretty accurate picture for the area. LES bands do very around here so it not 100%
I did hear they were out grooming too.


Active member
Can now access with no FB id.

Meeting Wednesday night. Should see regular updates after that.

Glad you got them to change this. I also do not FB And many clubs that is their only web connection, except for the first sentence of entries can't access any of it. They should all be able to change to full access on just a click.