Munising to Newberry Loop


New member
Heading up Thursday and planning on going south to Big Spring then through Manistique up to Curtis and stay in Newberry Friday night. Then loop counterclockwise up through Seney to Grand Marais and back to Munising. Anyone know conditions, etc. on the southern loop as most years it is low snow and avoided. Any help appreciated! Is the ice bridge to Grand Island passable?


New member
No good ice on any of the Great lakes yet so NO ice bridge to any Island. Munising, Big Springs, Curtis & Manistique are very thin on snow but are ride able. Anywhere North of M-28 between Bear trap, Grand Marais, Seney, Pine Stump, Newberry & Paradise has better conditions & will be good for this weeks riding. MLK weekend will probably tear them up though.
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New member
I'm finding many available rooms for this coming weekend in Munising/Wetmore, but the Houghton/Hancock area was booked up. Maybe not the traffic on a normal mid January weekend? Northern WI got dumped on as well, so that will create great riding from hwy 64 North in WI. Heading up Friday AM with a buddy and plan on hitting all the normal stops through Sunday. Should be great riding!


New member
I'm thinking with the additional snowfall this week will ease some of the pressure off of the UP as No Wisco and the Lower UP should be good riding as well. Keep Ricky Racer closer to home!


New member
Seney, Grand Marais & Newberry got 12 inches plus and Paradise & Munising got 10 inches or so on the 10th thru the 11th. vey good now but looks like possible mid 30's for the week after MLK day.


Active member
This week will be interesting. 40 during the day closer to end of week and weekend. WE wont be grooming during the day. Nights are even supposed to stay above freezing. If thats the case, wont be grooming those night either. If you come up, be prepared for a poop show. I would reschedule if you can.
I wish we could close the trails to save what we have but thats not an option.


New member
We rode Friday from Munising to Manistique, Newberry and back to Christmas on Saturday and everyone commented that trails were as good as ever seen. Deep snow everywhere! I would imagine the weather this week will take a toll but should survive.


New member
We did a similar loop from Wetmore....amazing until late afternoon on 8 heading back which we expected. Saw 5 groomers on Friday working hard and a few more Saturday. Also saw 12 MI Warden/Sheriff Dept. personel in Grand Marais as we headed up that way mid afternoon Saturday. It was pretty crazy to see.


Active member
… Also saw 12 MI Warden/Sheriff Dept. personel [sic] in Grand Marais as we headed up that way mid afternoon Saturday. It was pretty crazy to see.
Twelve of 'em? What was that all about? Is there a new "best doughnut shop in da UP" located in Grand Marais? :chuncky:


New member
If it is gonna make the trails safer then Im all for them being out there. The more COs and Deputies out on the trails the better.


New member
What was so crazy about the CO's and deputies was the huge group, it almost felt like they were afraid to travel in pairs! I just waved at all of them. Have all your stickers, no issue.


New member
Approximately how many miles is it from Christmas to Newberry? What about Christmas to Paradise? Planning a trip, staying in Christmas, and want to know how far east one can reasonably expect to ride and return in one day. Thanks.


New member
Christmas to Newberry is about 100ish 1 way trail trail 8 East to 9 South, easy route. Christmas to Paradise is about 120 ish 1 way, trail 8 east all the way also very easy route. Both can be done round trip in a day providing you have good trail conditions & riders who can handle a 200,250+ mile day. I would do it during the week. These routes I take have a few short cuts, logging roads, fire lanes & short road side stuff but if you don't now the area, stay on the trail, probably adds 50 to 70 miles round trip.
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I would love a fresh report on Newberry area trails - particularly from Seney to Newberry and Newberry to Paradise. If anyone hits these trails this weekend I would appreciate an update. I saw on the report that from Paradise to the falls there is standing water. How bad is it? Thanks!


New member
Wetmore to Paradise to Newberry, and back through Seney is approx. 335.Just to give you an idea. The wife and I did it easily in one day last year....


Well-known member
Wetmore to Paradise to Newberry, and back through Seney is approx. 335.Just to give you an idea. The wife and I did it easily in one day last year....

Must have newer sled (no breakdowns, E-tec ideal) and want to ride low 70's (or more MPH) on fast stretches, have groomed trails (midweek is best, weekends **** NO) and eat at the gas station to save time. A friend of mine and I did it three years ago and left at 6 AM and returned at about 6 PM. We also did the loop near the Shipwreck museum as it is a must see trail (short loop).
Plan it right and it is one of the best U.S. rides ever.



New member
Must have newer sled (no breakdowns, E-tec ideal) and want to ride low 70's (or more MPH) on fast stretches, have groomed trails (midweek is best, weekends **** NO) and eat at the gas station to save time. A friend of mine and I did it three years ago and left at 6 AM and returned at about 6 PM. We also did the loop near the Shipwreck museum as it is a must see trail (short loop).
Plan it right and it is one of the best U.S. rides ever.


No E-tec here. We don't eat at gas stations either.


New member
Anybody have any current trail condition updates as far as the munising / grand marais / seney / paradise areas go since the warm up ?