Steamer - Munising to Paradise is approx. 150 miles one way so you're talking approx. 300 miles round trip. A buddy of mine and me used to ride from Gwinn, through Munising to Paradise and back quite often and it was approx. 400 miles round trip. You will need to stop in Grand Marais for gas each way and you'll be fine. There is a place on the trail map, The Rainbow Lodge between Grand Marais and Paradise that still shows a gas pump on the map but the place burned down a couple of years ago so there is not gas there. You can get gas in Grand Marais and in Paradise. As far as scenic places to see, we've only been to Taquamenon Falls which is just south of Paradise and Miner's Castle which is just north / east of Munising - we do not stop often. This is actually a very nice, easy ride with a variety of rail road bed, woods, rolling hills, etc. The only thing that I myself will warn you about is this: the entire trip will be on trail 8 which does see a lot of traffic as this is a very popular area and sometimes coming back on trail 8 can be a bit rough with large moguls due to all of the traffic. They do a great job of grooming up there but sometimes it is impossible to just keep up. We would leave between 6AM & 7AM in the morning and be back by 3PM or so and not have to worry about it, but again, we do not stop often which is boring to some.