Mushroom cloud!?


Active member
Perusing the Discussion Board's main forums, I see we have (among others):

  • Vintage Sled Chat
  • Boating/Fishing Chat
  • ATV Chat
  • Camping Chat
  • Motorcycle Chat
  • Hunting Chat
but no
  • Weather Chat (Huh, what?)
So I guess Miscellaneous will have to do.

Now, have you ever seen a "Mushroom shaped cloud", like this seen over Phoenix, AZ at 5:25PM on July 18, 2016 (yes last year) — click thumbnails for larger images:

Mushroom shaped cloud.jpg

Brought to you by this guy? :hororr:
Actually, to see the "Rest of the Story" (with a tip o' the hat to ol' Paul Harvey), just drag your cursor along the area between the pair of square brackets '[' and ']' below:
[Photo title: Microburst over Phoenix Credit: Chopperguy Photographer Jerry Ferguson and Pilot Andrew Park.]←