Mxz choke help!


New member
I got a 2000 skidoo mxz 700 and the choke lever broke off but I can't just change the lever out. It's looking like I'll have to change the whole thing out myself. I have heard off a repair kit..? Is this an easy task to do myself? if so any guidance would be much appreciated!


You can buy the complete assembly at a dealer for about $50 or check with dennis kirk and see what they have. I think you can get the lever for about $5. I should be an easy fix if you are handy. Just make sure that you have choke adjusted properly.


New member
Mn mxz,
Do you know the proper adjustment, or would that be something I would have to check with the dealers?


New member
You just dont want it tight to the mount. The lever should have a little free play so its not holding up the enrichener plungers in ther carbs.


New member
The fix kit is about the same for all sleds. You need to disconnect it from the dash and take a Stanley knife to open up the plastic box where the connection is, hook up the new part, put the box back together and tape it up with electrical tape. Goes a lot faster the next time. Trust me.


New member
i had to buy the whole new thing, so now how do i assemble the new choke, it doesn't seem to difficult but is there any other labor involved, how do i get the two cords out from the old one and the new one in?