NCAA Bracket Challenge 2017


Active member
I realize this should probably go in the "Off Topic" section, but hopefully I won't get in to much trouble for putting it in the "Miscellaneous" section.

We've done this the last few years and it's never been a large group, but it's been something fun to follow. By posting it here, and getting it out now, maybe more people will have a chance to see the post and we'll have a larger group this year. Every year I say its to hard to manage a league for anything other than bragging rights, but I'm sure if the eventual winner meets up next season with someone else that played and reminds them they won they might get a beverage or something out of it. As far as I know no one has cashed in on that beverage yet, but there's always hope for this year!

So here is the link: http://sleding2final4.mayhem.cbsspor...cpy_invite_new

Our league is JD Brackets and the password is thinksnow

You should be able to use the link, sign-in and then enter your picks. You can enter 2 different brackets per player so be sure to enter twice. In the past I think some people had problems saving their picks so be sure to complete all the steps necessary to complete the entire process.

Scoring is Round 1=1point, round 2=2, round 3=4, round 4=8, round 5=16 and the final game is 32points. There are no bonus points and championship game score is the tiebreaker.

The brackets are coming out March 12th and the games start after that so sign-up and make your picks!

Good luck to everyone!


Active member
Today's the day! Hope a lot of you will join in. If you're in a pool already just transfer your picks over to this one and see how you do amongst the Jd'ers


Well-known member
Ill be in, I enjoy seeing how wrong I can be on these! I am in a different pool that the entry fee is either a bottle of liquor or a 12 pack of beer. We have usually around 40 entries so the winner gets about 20 cases of beer for winning!


Active member
Looks like we've got about 20 brackets filled out so far. There are a few that appear to have a problem and no champion has been selected. That happened last year and I think people may have exited before saving everything.

If you are Bruce, Jeff, Julie or Tim go back and check your brackets. I'm not sure how to instruct you to do that, but none of you look to have things saved at this point in time.

For those of you not in yet, there is still plenty of time. I just posted my 2 picks tonight and it took about 5 minutes total.


Active member
Still got time everyone. Do it now, or at work in the morning!

Bruce, Julie and Tim O, still looks like you don't have a champ selected so check your picks, wouldn't want you to think you're in when somethings wrong.


Active member
Last chance to get your picks in! Brackets are locked at 12 Eastern, 11 Central. Just over 1 hour left so click on the link now and make your picks. Honestly, I never follow college basketball and I just make my picks on a whim so your chances of being a winner are just as good as mine and probably most of us in the pool so far!


Active member
Well round one is in the books and it's a tight race so far. We've got 20 competed brackets and the first 9 of them are within 2 points! There is only a 5 point spread from first to last place and there is only one bracket that has had a team in their elite eight knocked out. It's early so there is no real leader at this point in time. By Sunday night things may start to separate out a bit, but it looks like we're going to have a pretty exciting challenge this year!

For those of you interested in checking out the standings here is a link to the page.


Active member
And time to start the trash talking! First place, whoo hoo!

yeah, yeah, yeah.:playful:

Just wait, you can go from hero to zero in a heart beat. Believe me, I know....... I went from first place to only one possible correct game remaining on the entire left side of my bracket.

There are quite a few strong brackets still in it. Obviously several took a big hit with the upsets that happened, but almost everyone still has a chance.
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Active member
No matter what I think it is going to be an exciting finish to the tournament. No single team is head & shoulders above everyone else where they seem like a lock.