Neck Brace


Well-known member
I saw this & thought of you & your neck injury. Not sure if that is a weak point for you now so thought this riding brace would help. I wear 2 knee braces, a core protector with spine proctection wrapped by a back thing & can ride big miles...without protection not so much....but I'm an old guy.


Staff member
I see. Thanks.

Actually, it was a back injury. Compression fracture of the L1, which is about as low on the back as you can go. Could have, probably should have, been a lot worse for a 22 foot+ drop straight down onto a totally flat area, with my only 6-8" of powder to ease the stop. I got lucky, but it was a freak accident, I was not hot dogging or anything.

Neck is actually fine and the back is probably at around 80% healed right now. Got permission from the Dr to drop all restrictions, but am going to ease into things at a comfortable pace and not over do it.



Well-known member
I thought the injury was high in your neck a whiplash type of thing but since low in back neck brace would not help.....but might help someone with injured neck or anyone who wants riding neck protection. I'm big on protection to stay safe & in 1piece.:)