Need a link to your homepage


New member
Hi John.

It's been a while.

I was looking for a way to navigate to your homepage from the vbulletin forum. I wanted to use your side menu. (Google allows visitors to go directly to the forum without your topbar or sidebar being displayed.)

May I suggest that you change the link in your logo graphic located in the upper left corner (on every forum page) to instead of The index.php link is already available by clicking on the text " Discussion Board" located just a little lower.


Staff member
Sounds like a good idea to me. I'll look into it, but may have to call in someone more experienced with the board look and features.



Well-known member
Bottom of the page right hand side, right next to "contact us" is a link your looking for.


New member
Thanks John.

Eagle1 is right. There is a link all the way down there already. Just in a place seldom visited. I'll just use that for a while.