Need Help! Anybody out there a GM mechanic!


New member
Hello, I am in need of some assistance. I am looking for someone who is a GM mechanic. If so, please let me know. I have a question dealing with the ignition and Key, and power. Maybe even the computer, but not sure.

This is dealing with a 1998 pontiac grand prix gt.

Thanks in advance


New member
Well, My blower motor would only work on the number 5 setting, I did some research and found that many people had the same problem which stemmed from the ignition control switch located in the steering column. I followed the procedure, which was not all that hard and found out that was not the problem. I tracked it down to the blower motor resistor module and that fixed it. (was bad).

I put everything back together on the steering column and there is no power. All of my electrical is messed up and nothing works. It acts like it has a really dead battery but the battery is fully charged and is 100% fine. When I turn the key to the start position it is like it cuts the power to everything, and when the key is in the run position there is very little power to things, but not enough to make anything work. No radio, very dim lights, no headlights. If I turn the key to the accessory position and try and turn the radio on it starts then it clicks on and off.

It is acting like all of my electrical is messed up but I didnt touch any of the wires, Thats why I think maybe my computer might have gotten fried but I have no idea how to tell. And to top it all off, my dam key cylinder wont stay in place. You can just pull it out.

I am just trying to not have to take it into a shop....cause I am not sure I want to spend a ton of money to fix.... though at this rate might have been cheaper to have them fix it the first time.


New member
My blower motor just started the same thing today, only runs on the "high" setting. It's a 1999 Chevy Suburban.


Active member
Try putting the key in and turn it to the "on" position for 10-15 minutes to reset the security system. The security light will flash untill the specified time is reached and then go out. Turn the key off and then start the car. You may need to leave a battery charger on your battery while doing this so the battery doesnt drain down.


New member
Wags.... check the blower motor resistor module, it is located by your blower motor. Use a multimeter and do an ohm test on it to see if there is current going through all 3 resistor on the module, if there is not, then its shot. You can get a new one off ebay for like $30.

Uncle Ed. I already tried that idea and nothing. Any more ideas????


Load check your battery to make sure it is good. I had the same problem once, the battery showed good voltage, and when I turned the key on it went dead. New battery fixed it. It is possible to have 12+ volts with no load, and then when you put a load on it loose most of your voltage.


New member
X'2 load check the battery and if thats not it than move to the ignition cylinder. A bad cylinder can do all the things you are experiencing. My gm lights up like a christmas tree when somethings wrong.


New member
Why are the volts loose? Someone forget to close the barn door? Better catch them all before Pa gets home or he'll be mad!


New member
Now wait a said you took the steering wheel off, and pulled the key cylinder, right?

Since all was good BEFORE you began messing with things, except the blower fan (which, btw is so common on GM units...there are people making a good living selling the new design units....made in mexico)

I would bet a bunch of screwdrivers, that you have unplugged some of your ignition wires and either do NOT have them plugged in all the way, or you bent some of the terminals that they plug into.

Go back and patiently undo what you did to begin with and S-L-O-W-L-Y re install the components being sure you did NOT leave something unhooked or kinked or running over something that could bear the wire and cause issues. If you do find a bear wire then look to see if you cooked the modual or some other issue that might have super charged a fuse.

These things are very complicated inside the steering wheel and this is one trick I would send to a dealer to do, because they have:

A) been in that model unit before
B) probably know exactly what needs replacement
C) can get it back together again without frying up or bending wire prongs.

Good luck....and never drink beer BEFORE the job is done.


Load check your battery to make sure it is good. I had the same problem once, the battery showed good voltage, and when I turned the key on it went dead. New battery fixed it. It is possible to have 12+ volts with no load, and then when you put a load on it loose most of your voltage.

What a looser!


New member
Well, thanks for all the help guys.... But somebody had the right idea! It was the DAMM battery. I can honestly say that this is the first time I have have seen a car battery work just fine one minute, (started car and went to pick up the kids) and then be completely shot just 10min later.

The battery even tested out just fine in the voltage category, 12.27v. But it had NO amps and thats what I didnt check. Which looking back makes sence why I was able to jump start the car, but then when I shut off the car nothing would work.

So, really long story short....New resister module $30, New Battery $80, all the technical things I learned and the new vocabulary that my kids learned......Priceless!

Now if I could just figure out how to get the key cylinder to stay in!!! I think my temper wrecked that!!! But hey its not called the busted knuckle garage for nothing!

Thanks again fellow JD'ers!


Go back and patiently undo what you did to begin with and S-L-O-W-L-Y re install the components being sure you did NOT leave something unhooked or kinked or running over something that could bear the wire and cause issues. If you do find a bear wire then look to see if you cooked the modual or some other issue that might have super charged a fuse.

Hmm, does a bare bear his teeth when angry? Or does a bear bare his teeth?

Just givin' ya a hard time. I'm a nash wannabe I guess.....
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New member
I got in a little late on this but I had the same thing happen on my 94 Grand Prix. The car did some really odd things with sensors/lights/ etc the same morning the battery died. Put in a new batt and everything was kosher again.


Active member
Hmm, does a bare bear his teeth when angry? Or does a bear bare his teeth?

Just givin' ya a hard time. I'm a nash wannabe I guess.....
I wuz waitin' fer someone to catch that "bear" thing, but if ya wanna play da game, zimmbob, ya gotta catch 'em all! Ya missed the "modual" thing! :)