Need help finding/identifying boot liners


New member
I've got a set of Polaris boots that I really like and are in great shape, which I'm hoping to find replacement liners for. Seams are letting go in the originals.

Does anyone know what kind these are and where I might find them? These particular liners are from my Girlfriend's boots, which we replaced a few seasons back. That dealer doesn't know where they got these, and I like them because of the vinyl reinforced heels and bottoms. I thought Parts Unlimited as a first guess, but don't see much on their website.

Here are a few pics:

IMG_0476.jpg IMG_0474.jpg IMG_0475.jpg


New member
I had a hard time finding liners for my old doo boots they were made by sorel but the new liners were too thick and when I could get them in the boot, I couldn't get my foot in. I finally took the boots with me to a amish shoe store, they had a few different kinds of felts, and I found the right ones. dan


New member
Can't you get them from Polaris?

I don't see replacement liners on their site.

If I can't find what I'm looking for, the Amish stores may be worth a try.

There's got to be a decent supplier out there somewhere. Every set of snowmo boots I've ever owned has outlasted the liners...