Need help on wring up a squirrel cage blower


New member
I had to replace my furnace in the house and and want to use the old blower for a fan in the garage. Not sure on how to wire this up. The wires coming out f the motor are Red, Yellow, Black, Brown and White. There is also a capacitor on it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advanced.


Active member
Brown to the cap, white is the neutral,red is low speed,yellow med speed,black is high speed. You have to decide what speed your going to use,and that would go to your hot. If there is only one brown,a hot needs to go to the other side of the cap. If there are two browns,then one goes to each side of the cap.


New member
white to white , then just start touching wires ...hahaha
I hooke mine up in my garage with a switch and it works great


Well-known member
Leave the two connected to the cap, white to white( your neutral ) then pick one of the three for your hot, like woodtic said. You can just wire it to extension cord or get fancy and put a switch on it mount it on a dolly so you can roll it around also many options.


New member
OK i can get it to work if i spin the fan blade and then plug it in. But just plugging it in and it will just hum, the wires from the cap goes into the motor so i can not see what they are connected to. I plan on wiring in a switc so can i wire on off the speed control wires off of the cap?


Active member
You need to wire the switch to the hot. I would bet your cap is bad. The motor humming and not starting tells me the start capacitor is bad. Cap = start capacitor . Should cost around $5.00


New member
i tested the cap with a volt meter(thanks to youtube) did it the way they guy said to and it tested out as being good


Active member
I'm not slamming you,just an observation . If you are not sure how to wire a motor,I don't know why you would own a meter that could measure capacitance. Good luck.