Need some Info- deciding on a sled!!!

I am looking at upgrading and have found a couple of sleds I have looked at and like very much, but any Ski Doo savy folks can help! One sled is a 600 sdi X-package and the other is a 500ss. I do most trail riding, but like to get off the trail and play. Plus a little air always finds its way beneath me! One is a 2008 and the other is 2009. Any help would be great!


New member
Go with the X package SDI, it gets better mileage and has the shocks you need for the "LITTLE" air that seems to get under you. The SS has below average shock package. Let me know if you have any other questions.


New member
Well I own three skidoos. I have both a 600sdi and a 500ss. The mileage is about the same. The sdi has more top end but down low there is not a big diffefence. The 500ss would have decent shocks if its a tnt. If not a tnt then the shocks are not very good. The 2009 chassis is going to be a little better since they worked out a few kinks from the first year of the rev xp platform.


Well-known member
What are the miles on each? Do you know how well they've been maintained? Yes, you want good shocks but remember, you can always put rebuildables on them (if they don't already have them).

I can only speak for the SDI, as that's what I have. As far as fuel economy goes, I get between 16-20 mpg depending on how I'm riding (closer to 16 if with the fellas, closer to 20 if with the wife). As far as reliability goes....mine is an '05 with just over 9000 miles on it. The only thing I've done engine-wise is to add Boyesen Rage Cages to replace delaminating throttle body boots. Compression is still 145-150. Other than that, routine maintenance only.

It seems to me from reading many a thread on DooTalk that SDI is the way to go if you want "plug and play". If you like to do a lot of mods and want "tuneability", you may be better off with carbs.

You probably can't go wrong with either one. Both great engines!


New member
I also have the sdi. Very happy with this engine. One of my buds had the 500ss, and it was a great motor too. Like said above, not much difference in power on the low end. I really didn't pull away till 60-80mph on up. Actually, the ss had quicker throttle response right off idle. Both good sleds but, better shocks are definately a plus.
Thanks for all the help!

Well after looking at many many sleds. I choose the one that you all recommended. It was the first sled I looked at and feel I made a good choice.


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