Nestor Falls Canada trail riding


I just wanted to see if anyone has even snowmobiled in or by Nestor Falls Canada? If so are the trails marked and do they groom in that area?

Any information about that area would be appreciated.
I have done some amount of sledding in Northwestern Ontario. It always seems to be a hit and miss affair. First of all, the amount of sled traffic, as compared to WI, MI or MN is tiny. They MIGHT groom a trail once a week…..or once every 2 weeks…..or, the local club may never even open a trail at all! We had that happen about 6 years ago. We were going to ride from Fort Frances to 50 miles North of Minaki (Halley’s One Man Lake Camp). Things went well until the trail disappeared just West of Emo. You think I am kidding. I am not. The trail North to Nestor Falls and Sioux Narrows had not been marked or groomed. The trail West towards Rainy River, same thing. Luckily, I had previously laid down a track from a couple of years previous on my GPS when we ran the Rainy River itself into Baudette/Rainy River. We were FIRST TRACKS when we hit the River…..scary. Slowly, as we headed West, we picked up more and more tracks, until we hit marked trails near Baudette and headed North across Lake Of The Woods.

The Nestor Falls area is beautiful. If I were you, I would make lots of calls. The place where you will be staying. The local snowmobile club(s). Also, you should be aware that ice conditions may not be as good as you would expect right now. A very late freeze up. I’m not trying to be Debbie Downer here for you. I love trips to that area. LOVE them. Just trying to give you a heads up of what you might encounter and prepare yourself accordingly. Feel free to ask more questions and if I can, I’ll try to assist.


As of last weekend they still were not allowing full size pickups out on LOW. Very late freezeup as Steve in il said. Calling ahead is exactly what you must do. Also you are going to need a passport and proof of insurance on your sleds. They are a lot pickier at the border than they used to be. I don't know your agenda but it is worth pointing out that it is a relatively quick shot across the lake to Kenora from Baudette. There is a stick trail across the Lake to the Northwest Angle and from there you get on a plowed ice road the rest of the way. In the past the ice road has not been marked but it is just about impossible to fall off of it as it is about 30 feet wide. From Kenora you can go just about anywhere but grooming can be sketchy. There are places up there with one way trails. Two side by side but separated trails. Kind of like a fourlane highway for sleds. However the speed limit used to be about 50 I think. Haven't been up there in awhile but back when we used to go a lot we never encountered any law enforcement and all the locals were basically going wide open. Don't know if it is still like that though. Either way it is a neat area with very little traffic compared to what you are probably used to.


Well-known member
I haven't ridden in that area but check on

The trail guide will show you what is open. Now if a trail is closed you may still be able to ride it but it might not be groomed or may have places you can't get through.


Also if you have anybody in your group with a whiskey ticket leave them at home. They will NOT let you into Canada if you have a whiskey ticket.
Unfortunately I have to agree with previous posts. With the lack of snow and late freeze up I can't imagine there has been much if any grooming been done in the that area. I think even in an average year it takes until after new years for much to get done, many trails cross water up there.

That area is gorgeous, but the rocky terrain, many water crossings and lack of people in the area make it difficult to maintain a trail system.

If you want to see similar terrain with a good trail system without the hassle of crossing the border I would say try the upper North Shore and Gunflint Trails in Minnesota.


Well-known member
I have ridden in the area back in the late 90's and early 00's but not in Nestor Falls. It was a little further north in the Kenora, Dryden, and Sioux Narrows areas. I think they have gone downhill since then. Because of the exchange rate the tourism from the US was way down and the high priced trail permits cut the number of riders also. The exchange rate is very favorable again but they have lost many volunteers. One of my most memorable rides was going from Kenora back to Warroad. We left Kenora and rode to Sioux Narrows on the trail. In Sioux Narrows there was no gas available so we hoped to make it to the Angle. After about a mile on LOW the stakes and tracks ended. With 14,000 islands it is not easy to find your way. After a few dead ends in bays we finally made it to the Angle on fumes. I will always remember riding a stretch of about 10 miles in a Narrows on LOW with the sun reflecting off of the snow and about 15 inches of fluffy snow with eight sleds spread out and the snow coming over the hoods .

I think that around Kenora it would still be a lot of fun if you want to ride a similar area.