New Association of OHV Clubs in the UP


New member
For the past two years many representatives of OHV Clubs in the UP have been meeting to work on developing an inter-connecting OHV Trail System, from one end of the UP to the other.

It was at a meeting this past Spring that we decided to UNITE, and form a new association. We put together a set of bylaws, came up with two different names, appointed a temporary Board of Directors and Officers and on Saturday, Sept 24th, we're going to have our first Organizational Meeting.

The meeting will be in the Marquette/Gwinn Area. It's going to start around 10:00 am EST.

As everyone knows, for our sport to have any political 'power' we are going to have to follow in the successfull footprint that the Snowmobilers have done. That is to UNITE.

Also, as everyone knows, it is going to be imperative that we get off on the right foot, and have a good turnout at that organizational meeting.

If you are a member of an OHV Group, such as an ATV Club, Dirt Bike Club, 4X4/Jeep club, or even if you are not a member, just a rider, I'm, I'm begging you to please make it to that meeting and/or get others to that meeting.

To get on our e-mail list, go to the Mi-TRALE website, and hit the contact button next to my name.

Together we are STRONG, on our own, we are WEAK.

Thanks John for letting me get the word out.

Skip Schulz


Well-known member
ALSO Meeting in Phelps on Aug 29th 7PM to discuss ATVS on designated county & town roads. Not sure how this will play out since Vilas County banned ATVs on all trails & roads? From the map I saw they are trying to establish a route from Forest county to the UPMI at Lando thru Phelps which is a lot of county & town roads. Sure is a round about trail route as plenty of FRs can get you to UPMI in just a few miles & not affect so many landowners. Not sure what they are thinking but I don't have strong opinions either way on the matter.:)


Active member
I will be there!

Skip - Hope you are going to have the drage race at Marquette Mountain again this year.


New member
Snocrazy, yep the date has been confirmed for the MASTERS Racing Circuit Uphill Drags at Marquette Mtn. It is Easter Weekend.
Pete, it's not just in the Nicolet that we are concerned, we also have to get some FR opened in the Ottawa NF. Mi-TRALE has been working on this since Jan of 2006 on other OHV Connectors, only to have 2 people appeal this, and the appeals have been upheld.
When we get the other OHV Connectors opened, then we will work on the Ottawa side of the connector from the Nicolet.