New cedar sided garage - Use Sikkens??


New member
Can i get a few opinions on sikkens log and siding stain? I am building a new garage and it will be cedar sided. I just priced a gallon of sikkens for $88.95 with the 5 gallon being $432.55. I have 2600 LF on this garage so about 1800 or so sqft I guess. One gallon covers 300 - 400 sqft so taking the bottom of that would mean i would need about 6 gallons per side of the siding or 12 gallons total for about $1000 in stain.

Is there another option?

Do I want another option? I have heard over and over sikkens is the best but could it be the same as my Yamaha is better than your Ski-doo. Is it a matter of opinion or am I going to get a number of years more out of this stain than others?

Any help would be appreciated.


Well-known member
I would not think 1 gallon covers 300 - 400 sqft on new cedar that number is soft pobabaly be twice as much. I use Cabots but really depends what type of Cabots you use. I always use oil & finally went to solid after semi transparent to semi solid then solid. Sikkens is good stuff but once you go Sikkens you are locked in or would need to strip off to use something else. No staining going on up here now just too cold need 55 to do that. So is this for next Spring?


New member
Staining is done in the heated garage. I did find sikkens online for $310 for 5 gallons with $23 in shipping and no tax. That beats the local sikkens dealer by $120 once you add tax. Just have not heard enough facts about sikkens to really make my decision.


Well-known member
I understand now staining then hanging. I buy Cabots down the street from you at Jensen & Akins & they give me a discount on a large purchase. Talk to Judy. I know going Cabots you will need x2 on new wood same coverage as Sikkens. Either brand you will need lots of ventilation nasty fumes. Cabots $32 to $45 a gallon depending on type. Cabots has been lasting me about 7 years but I'm anal about my logs so could go maybe 10 years just completed house staining last month. Semi solid oil on my garage cedar siding is doing really well after 7 years but will do that in the Spring just because.


Well-known member
Sikkens is compatible with Sikkens & don't recomend putting any other brand over Sikkens. You will find this on label with most high end stains depending on formulation. I got caught up in this mess once long ago so always check it out. Stain over stain can come off in sheets if not compatible. If you plan to strip anyway as a lot people do with log homes no big deal. Me I just power wash. My buddy uses Weathershield or Weather something like that & that stuff is a 3 part process sealer, pigment & UV block. Looks super but a lot of work & I think that has to stripped next time around just part of the process for him. He also has to deal with compatibility of chinking material so somewhat of an art form & only a few service providers can handle the stuff. He also learned the hard way when a stainer started the job & didn't know how to apply the 3 parts & made complete mess of virgin wood. All of it had to be stripped, guy was fired on the spot, also might have been sued as my buddy was pissed!! I know he sent a bill to the guy for stripping but I don't ask anymore as he gets redfaced pissed about it. Log homes are tricky but virgin cedar siding accepts most any stain & lots of good brands for cedar siding available. For log homes use the best & better know what you are doing & what has been done before. Log homes are beautiful but constant staining & chinking until wood ages shrinks & drys out then still moves around with with humidity. Another buddy had series of threaded rods installed so he can bend the logs to keep somewhat square. Full log homes are total PIA to maintain so you need to know what you are doing & have panty of time & or deep pockets to maintain.:)


I have use sikkens on a cedar swing in back yard. I recoat about ever 2-3 years. I think it holds up well.


New member
Sikkens is good stuff. I got mine for 50 bucks a gallon. It looks best if you use two coats.