Well, back on June 24th the compnay I work for, a counter top manufacturing company, filed chapter 11. They said they will pull out of it, and everything was going to be fine. I had my doubts, but at that time decided to stay on the ship. One of the guys who worked under me saw an add on Craigslist, another company was looking for expierenced solid surface fabricators. He went down and applied, and got the job. A week after he was there, they ask him if he knows of anyone else. So he gives me a call that night. I think about it for a week, I then fill out an app, and get an interview. They offer me the job on the spot. Wow I says to myself. So I take a few days to think about it, and talked to a lot of people who's opinion I value. 20 years working for someone is a long time, 4 weeks vacation, 3 day weekends, being the boss, etc etc. I would be giving this all up. BUT THEY FILED CHAPTER 11, and I saw them making no changes, that I knew needed to be made. Hmmm, after much thought, I decided the writing was on the wall, I would be proactive instead of reactive, and I took the new job. It has been 2 weeks now at the new place, and it rocks. My starting pay is what I was making at the old place, a week and a half of vacation right away, and they work 4 9's, and 4 on Friday. Sweet! The only stress I have now, is, well, there is none!!
This was the hardest decision I have to make in a long time!!
The owner of the company I worked for, did not say one single thing to me, nothing negative, nothing positive, no thanks for your 20 years of service, NOTHING!! I guess I really was just a number.
This was the hardest decision I have to make in a long time!!
The owner of the company I worked for, did not say one single thing to me, nothing negative, nothing positive, no thanks for your 20 years of service, NOTHING!! I guess I really was just a number.