New video to start the season....


Where are you off too? Definetly will miss the videos, the updates, trail reports, etc.... Thanks for all you did/hopefully will continue to do so!!!
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Pit Grunt


What is a SNOW PUSSE???????

Are WE ready to ride next week. Trail 13 is waiting.. WE RIDE Again...


are you leaving the area / snowmobiling or just getting us stoked for the season? If you're just going for stoke, it worked. Then again I've been ready since it started getting chilly on the mountain biking trails.

Pit Grunt

Sorry, I could not watch at work.. Its blocked. I watched it at home and Dawn it another hit for the WE RIDE group. You do a great Job.. See you next week ..

Snow Posse

New member
Yea.. we sold the hotel and now get to spend the winter sledding :)
I guess not much difference from previous winters except now no work involved .. and get to see what living up north is like
Sold it to a nice couple from Eagle River ALASKA
Pit.. see us next week?? Why would you be heading north? ;)


Active member
That stinks, if you ask me. I always looked forward to the vids, pics, and trail reports. I'm happy for you guys, but sad for me.
Good luck, and have fun on the trails!
Congratulations on the retirement. I always wanted to stay at the Hiawatha and maybe ride with you guys. It always looked like a good time.
At least now when you post trail conditions, some people wont accuse you of just trying to drum up business. Morons.
Ride on!!!!!
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New member
Nice vid, hope to see the two of you soon. If your looking for something to do, I know a resort in White Pine looking for a manager :)



New member
Very cool on the retirement thing for both of you! I regret only making it up for just one ER invasion. it was a good time. Hope to see some video and pics as usual though. Especially now that you'll have all this free time. Good luck guys!!!!

Formerly, Spanky