New webcam on NCN

Looking for directions on getting a new cam on the NCN for a Bayfield peninsula bar/resort. The owner is a friend of mine and would like to be on the site. How should he proceed?


Staff member
There are two main ways to go with the webcams. One is to use a USB cam and the other what is called an
IP cam.

The USB cams can be bought for around $50 at places like Walmart or Best Buy. Anything from Logitech
is good. The downside to that setup is the camera has to be hooked up to a computer to run. Thus you need
to have a computer (laptop would work) with a free USB port and have that computer near the cam. Most of the
cables with the cams around 6 feet long, but you can get USB extensions and go around 20 feet and have the
setup still work. The computer also needs to be connected to the internet. The other thing you need with this
setup is some software to capture the image from the cam, make a snapshot .jpg out of it and then upload it
to the internet somewhere. There is some good free software, one is called webcamXP, the other Kabcam.

The IP cameras are more expensive, but you do not need to have it hooked up to a computer permanently. You
only need a computer to configure the camera. It then has the hardware/software to capture and upload the
image to a web server. IP cameras start at around $350-400 and go all the way to $1000+, depending on
all the bells and whistles you want.

I have limited experience with the IP cams, but do know that the lower priced ones work pretty good,
especially those from Axis and Nest.

Once you have the cam(s) up and running and posting to the internet somewhere, all I need is the web address
for it and can take care of the rest. If you need a place on the internet to send it to, then I can
supply that, I just need to know.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.



Staff member
Would a wired Logitech Circle 2 be a good camera for NCN or would there be a better choice.

I don't have any experience with these cams, but it looks like it should. webcamXP seems to be able to find most camera feeds.
