Nielsen's Grand Finale Snocross @ Lake Geneva March 19-21st


New member
I was going to post something about that and see who was going. I am more interested in seeing the new sleds then the race, but both should be fun to see. Who's planning on going? Anyone for a John dee get together in Lake Geneva? End of the season rally!!


Bring your boots, its going to be a slop hole. We hit 64 degrees today. I don't know where the snows going to come from for the track. Its too warm at night to make and the rest of the area is gone to. Maybe the teams will bring quads instead of sleds. I don't know how there going to pull this off.
Bring your boots, its going to be a slop hole. We hit 64 degrees today. I don't know where the snows going to come from for the track. Its too warm at night to make and the rest of the area is gone to. Maybe the teams will bring quads instead of sleds. I don't know how there going to pull this off.

And don't forget the sun block too. It's always warm and with the sun reflecting up off of the sno makes for perfect sunburn conditions. I know cuz 3 years ago I came home looking like a racoon from where my sunglasses were on my face. Spring sunburn.......had everyone asking what part of Florida and Mexico did I go on vacation, only to reply Lake Geneva Wisconsin, of course.


I'm hoping to come up friday night see the new sleds. Might as well since the snow is melting up north otherwise I'm usually on the trails.


Active member
am going to try to go, it's been a few years so i'd like to go up & watch again. i don't follow it so i don't know whos who anymore but what better is there then watch snomo races of any kind in nice warm weather.


You have to wonder how they keep the snow but they always seem to have plenty. I've attended the last 5 or 6 years and it's always a good time.

I'm going Saturday for sure and maybe Sunday too for the final. :D


New member
I will be there Saturday and I am meeting one of my fellow
JD er's ! cant wait !! I need one more shot of winter to ease the pain
of this early spring weather.


New member
This may be a silly question, but is this event outside or is it in a dome? I've been all over the website but it doesn't specify and I have never been. I have the weekend off and am thinking about making the trip.


New member
This may be a silly question, but is this event outside or is it in a dome? I've been all over the website but it doesn't specify and I have never been. I have the weekend off and am thinking about making the trip.

It is outside at the ski hill at the Grand Geneva which is the old Play Boy Club


New member
Bought tickets for Sunday. I spoke with a lady at Nielsen's today and she said "the hill" where all the racing will be done currently has a good 5 Ft. base of snow and that they have the equipment on standby to make more if needed. Can't wait.


I've been going the last several years and am going again this year. I look forward to seeing the racing, but also getting a look at the new sleds. Got clearence from the better half to upgrade next season.

Always amazed how much snow is on the "hill" even with no snow anywhere else in southern Wisconsin, Illinois, or Indiana.