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Staff member
Thanks Brent.

It was quite the event and fun to watch the dogs in action. I have to admit, I was pretty impressed by their persistence and even different "hunting" styles.



I loved the story as well and laughed pretty good at it. I wanna mention a story of my own that was funny, not trying to horde in on your action John but this one is funny as well. I had a animal getting into the garbage inside my garage because in the summer I would often leave the garage door open through the night. Instead of just closing the door I decided to try an hunt the animal and get rid of the problem that way. One evening I came home and saw eyes glowing in the garage with car lights shinned inside. I ran in a got the pump BB gun and the game was on. Soon as I got in the garage I closed the door and turned the light on so animal couldn't get out. I than started to find the thing and quickly discovered it was a skunk,,so i went to plan B. I opened the door and grabbed a chair and sat outside the garage about 20 ft away and decided I would wait all night to get this thing,,as least revenge even if he sprayed. It took over a half hr before he even stated to move.and Now I have the gun pumped, loaded and aimed in his direction and my arms are tired. The skunk finally climbs into the garbage can and I am waiting for a good shot. I have the outside light on and just waiting, waiting, 1.5 hrs later he is still scavenging and making a real racket and I finally have my shoot. I have the skunk in perfect sight and he is sideways so a perfect ear shot is all I need. He stopped for a second and could not have been more perfect target so I pull the trigger and the BB just rolls right out the barrel and falls in front of me. The darn thing lost its pressure and wouldn't fire. So I pumped it up 10 times again and figured it was gonna last at least 20 mins and I get my shot and same thing. Two friggin hrs and 2 BB's laying 1 ft in front of me. I walked right up to the other can with skunk starring at me and dropped the gun in the can and went to bed,,skunk didn't seem to frightened at all.


New member
That is hilarious, Lenny. Thanks for sharing.

John's squirrel story was also entertaining. I don't think my beagle is that smart ;-)


Active member
Lenny that's funny. How long did the skunk have dinner on your dime? Or did you start closing the garage door. I kept expecting the next sentence to say he sprayed you and you were bathing in tomato juice.