No Snow! New Year's Resolution Thread


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Obviously, complaining about No Snow is getting us no where. We've covered Oil, Pictures of our Pets, Boobies, Bad Gas, Doo sues Cat and still.....No Snow!!! Next up, NEW YEARS & looking at all the brown outside the window is a good reason to find a bottle.

So here goes with a few Resolutions for 2012 and feel free to add some of yours.

Start buying lottery tickets at a luckier store.

Always replace the gas nozzle before driving away from the pump.

I will keep an extra safe distance when driving behind police cars.

Cut down on exercise. Too much is bad for your health, it can even kill you.

Draw up a list of people who were nasty to you in the past year, get your payback in 2012!

Promise to never again take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

Try to spend less than 1 hour a day browsing (that's 1 hour at work, 2 hours at home)

Happy New Year to all of the John Dee members. Drink responsibly and Think Snow!


Active member
Start buying lottery tickets at a luckier store. I don't buy lottery tickets. I feel I win each week when I still have my dollar.

Always replace the gas nozzle before driving away from the pump. Never did this but have seen it happen a few times.

I will keep an extra safe distance when driving behind police cars. I always drive slow.

Cut down on exercise. Too much is bad for your health, it can even kill you. What can I say here?

Draw up a list of people who were nasty to you in the past year, get your payback in 2012! I don't go for revenge. I just lock bad experiences in my memory bank & wait to enjoy when bad luck comes their way.

Promise to never again take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. Don't use either.

Try to spend less than 1 hour a day browsing (that's 1 hour at work, 2 hours at home) Self employed, work time limit does not apply.

Happy New Year to all of the John Dee members. Drink responsibly and Think Snow!. I always think snow BUT I must think in a foreign language.