North Metro Twin Cities area


New member
Just wondering if anyone on here is in the North Metro (Ramsey/Elk River/Zimmerman) area?

Just picked up a new sled and don't have anyone to ride with this weekend with the pending storm I really want to get out and ride the new sled just not alone.



New member
Hi Josh,

We live in the Elk River Area and snowmobile in the Western U P of Michigan. I sometimes keep a sled in Minnesota as well. This weekend it is a U P ride. Our email address is, give us a shout, what kind of sled did you just get?


New member
Picked up a 2010 Switchback 600. Went up to my cabin this weekend on the south side of Mille Lacs. Put on 80 miles yesterday.

How often do you ride the UP? That is one place i haven't ridden but would love to some time.



New member
The Sand Dunes were groomed yesterday, I went for a quick ride and the trails were covered but were on the thin side. A couple of inches Thursday would be great! Can u go Friday a.m.?


New member
The Sand Dunes were groomed yesterday, I went for a quick ride and the trails were covered but were on the thin side. A couple of inches Thursday would be great! Can u go Friday a.m.?

would love to go Friday but alas I have to work. Damn 9 - 5 Mon - Friday jobs. ;)



New member
those are some fun trails around there. The local club put up a new shelter out there in the sand dunes this fall , looks real good . Thats one place I like to ride after a snowfall , when the snow sticks to all the trees ( Kodak moment ). Will be out there running around from zim to becker to jack and jims......on saturday . Hope the trails hold up , there will be alot of sleds out. IF I could I would rather ride friday before the sled traffic picks up.


New member
That new shelter is about 2 miles from my house, looked really nice. I am sure it will get plenty of use!


New member
That new shelter is about 2 miles from my house, looked really nice. I am sure it will get plenty of use!

It will be nice too see it being used......we are west of elk lake and hope to see someday the trail to run down co.rd 1 to the golf corse since they have the ditches looking real good after the road was fixed. Maybe head ta 169 on 33 or try and find a spot to tie into hwy 10 and make that a good loop ta run to Becker and back. Back in the day the trail went thru the Woods development and it was a blast ta hit it hard. Sure miss that trail.........will see how it goes. Maybe on the trail around 1:30 OR 2 PM ...hope they are looking good then......will see .......later


How is the riding in the Elk river area? I live in Hugo and always ride north and east of Hugo towards taylors Falls. There is a trail rigth in front of my house that would take me west and im thinking its about ime to explore your way.


New member
To Josh


We are in the U P of Michigan in Ironwood every weekend there is snow for riding. We have a house a block from the main trail through Ironwood. Always have plenty of room for fellow snowmobilers.


New member
going to see how flat the trails are thursday .....zimmerman ta big lake ta becker ta somewhere i hope ...LOL ... and over ta princeton and back ta the farm.......will see how they are holding up.....later...


New member
I live on the trail in Big Lake. I noticed that the groomer went by last night. The trail from BL to Becker was a little ruff on Saturday but was in great shape going North along 25 up to Deulm. North of Duelm the snow got pretty thin.
You could ride up to Duelm over to Orrock and back to Zimmerman.


New member
I live on the trail in Big Lake. I noticed that the groomer went by last night. The trail from BL to Becker was a little ruff on Saturday but was in great shape going North along 25 up to Deulm. North of Duelm the snow got pretty thin.
You could ride up to Duelm over to Orrock and back to Zimmerman.

ya he was out yesturday also......rode from elk lake to orrock to duelm for dinner and then down too becker than ta big lake.....then up back to elk lake....lots of fun 15 was the worst which it will be. saw the groomer along 169 and it was still flat as we went by at midnight heading home..........will be back at it in a few days. Not a single problem with any of the old iron poo's....about a 100 miles or more put on ....later


New member

We are in the U P of Michigan in Ironwood every weekend there is snow for riding. We have a house a block from the main trail through Ironwood. Always have plenty of room for fellow snowmobilers.

That'd be awesome, just not sure how i'd get up there when my wife gets pissed off I use her SUV all the time.

Damn women.



New member
Went out for a good ride this morning and the trails were freshly groomed. I hope we don't get the rain or sleet that is being forecasted, trails were in good shape. Took a loop from Elk River/Zimmerman/Orrock/Big Lake.