Northern Ontario Ride- Atikokan Snowarama


New member
Here's some pics of the last weekend's ride in Atikokan, Ontario.
i headed back home for a weekend with family and loooots of sleds and snow!
the Snowarama is also a fundraiser for the Easter Seals kids, and all the riders brought the pledge total to $19,000 to donate. It was a great weekend :]

we woke up Friday morning to -35, and saturday morning to -30 hahaha

i was kinda of disappointed coming back to Northeast Wisconsin's snow conditions tho :p
We're heading to Lac De Milles Lac on the 28th, so there'll be more pics to come!

the trails were awesome, there was plenty of snow
Everything looked like a christmas card too, since there had been snow, then rain, then more snow, which made the 6" of snow stick onto the tree branches. it looked amazing

here's the group:

me ready to get riding again!

getting gas at Brown's Clearwater West Lake Resort


me and a couple cousins at White Otter Castle
for those who haven't heard of it, it's a huge log 'castle' built by a man named Jimmy McQuat in 1903. it took him 11 years, and he had no help, and used nothing but pulleys and hand tools to build it. he had to canoe everything, including the now-gone windows, over 14 portages and many miles of paddling.


here's a pic of it from last year

beautiful trails


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