Northwoods Directory - redesign?


Active member
(Not a meteorological question, but I see "Ask John" being used for forum design questions as well …)

Perhaps the ol' Northwoods Directory could stand a bit of a redesign, much as was done with the N.C.N. page a while ago, with a text only option.

Just two instances today may illustrate the need:
1. "Please help? Konteka? Is this a hotel or a town or what? I keep reading about this."
2. "Where is Beer Belly Bobs"

I started to answer the first question with a reference to the Northwoods Directory, and how to use it. It wouldn't have been easy to describe!

First: Click on a region below to get your information. - On an outline map showing various unnamed regions in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.

But if the visitor is unfamiliar with the region, where to click? To find "Konteka", for example? Highly awkward and impractical! Even difficult to 'splain!

At least the "Text only" option, as on the N.C.N. page lists both geographic locations and specific sites, and thus can be searched for either (although it lacks a specific "search" function.)

Come to think of it perhaps Search functions for both N.C.N. and Northwoods Directory would be great features, too if they could be accommodated in the coming redesign of the web site!<hr width=75% size=2>P.S. I note that the Northwoods Directory entry for Konteka Black Bear Resort includes a link to a web site that has since vanished from the earth.


Thanks frnash.

All good ideas and perhaps some day I will get to such features for the Northwoods Directory. But for now I need to take care of the really big fires that are burning. Like the trail cam, which I have spent $500 on and about 20 hours on in the past week and it is still down. Still working on the site remodel and am close. Then I have Ride-In stuff to take care of before that happens in a little over 3 weeks. Plus some work to do for a board of directors I am on for the trails up here. All that on top of my regular 8 hours of work for my business and the 4-6 hours to keep the day to day issues of the website going. The short of it is I am a VERY busy guy right now! I think the time of this posting should illustrate that. Been working for about 45 minutes so far and my day ended at about 9 pm last night!

Not complaining, it is the bed I made, just explaining why you might not see such changes too soon!



Active member
No rush, John.
It's clearly not a big priority, I just posted it while the idea was fresh in mind, as a reminder that can be parked on the far end of the 'round tuit' list.
<hr width=75% size=2>P.S.: The site must be setting new records for message posts; I'm seeing far more brief File Locking Error indications lately. Of course a retry will typically work, but I have a hunch that's a sign of increasing activity. Again, not a big problem, just an observation.