NW IN lake effect.


New member
One thing I notice when it comes to lake effect is that extreme NW IN, Lake, Porter, Jasper, Newton counties do not seem to ever recieve much snow even if there is a favorable wind direction, which I know is pretty rare to have a directly north wind. If there is any development it seems to only stay in close proximity of the lake, when just to the east and in michigan the lake snows will make it much farther inland. I would think that with a north wind there would be very good development because of all the open water to the north, so I assume there is another reason. Thanks.


Staff member
Strong banding can and does make it into the counties you speak of and I have seen LES clouds make it as far south as West Lafayette (when I was going to Purdue). When the winds are blowing straight down the lake, the bands can really go anywhere into the southern end of the lake and sometimes they will snake back and forth too. It can just be a crap shoot as to how the local winds will impact where the banding goes.

I think the main reason is pure north winds are rare there, with NW or NNW winds being the most common.



This is so true. Its probably the first time I have ever really paid attention to it, but I live about 30 miles south of Lafayette IN, and we were getting LES. It was just flurries but it was LES. It was pretty cool in my opinion! Wife thinks I am crazy! The Indianapolis News confirmed it was LES and I also looked at it on radar.


New member
How ironic that I ask that question to john just a few days ago. I am currently getting snow from one of the most persistent bands that I can ever remember that made it south of lake and porter county. Its just light snow but its an actual persistend band. Also, yesterday we had a period of about 90 min under a lake band that was 1.5-2"/hr rates. What a crazy year it has been.