NW Vilas County


Well-known member
We currently have 2 degrees this morning and have 6" of snow on the ground in MW area. 4" of heavy wet snow fell on Tuesday followed by an inch of drier snow, this was good for building a base but the lakes now have that on top of maybe an inch or two of solid ice so take that for what it's worth. Some lakes are still open up here.

The snow on Tuesday was heavier as you go farther west and north into Iron County towards Mercer and Hurley but still need a good dump to get trails in shape to open. Going to be 37 on Friday and then cold for next week with some snow for Tuesday or Wednesday.


Well-known member
Spoke with a guy from Hurley yesterday and he told me that they have measured 60" of snow already in November. He has had to shovel his roof twice and he said that never happens in November. while they have had all that snow he said they had to go to Ashland and there was grass showing there.