
New member
hi john

you metioned these letters in the forcast text and i don't know if im stupid or what but could you explain what area this is?
Thanks for the great site!


I think I just used the abbreviation NWL, which stands for north west lower (MI). At the top of the forecast text is a link to "Terms and Abbreviations used in the Forecast Text". You can always click there to see if anything else that is not clear to you is defined.



New member
I have noticed that when you look up the LES belts it shows for example that Vilas CO WI is in the secondary snow belt. THey do receive some lake effect snow there. Will this cold spell coming and the heavy lake effect snow that is in the forcast reach the secondary snow belts as well?? You very rarely speak much of the secondary belts, what would have to happen for the secondary snow belts to also receive the snow. I know i am not supposed to ask weather forecase related questions but I just wanted to clear this up. thank you!



Too early to tell exactly what this upcoming LES event will do. Even if Vilas county does pick up some LES, it is pretty rare for them to pick up much more than a few inches, unless you are way over in the west end.
