
New member
Hey John,
I am majoring in meteorology and know that you worked for the NWS. I was just wondering if you could give some info about it. Any and all info would be appreciated! Including your opinions about anything. I am particularly interested in workload and rotational shifts. Thanks a ton.



I worked for a branch of the NWS that was called the Climate Analysis Center (CAC) and is now called the Climate Prediction Center - must be trying to fit in with the whole climate change idea more.

Anyway, we did not have shift work to do there. It was basically production work on some publications, maintaining some data bases as well as weekly briefings to some higher ups in the government and then also research.

So I cannot really tell you what it is like to work at a NWS forecast office other that to say I have visited some and talked with the mets there and they all do shift work, no matter what their seniority is. I also know that once you are in the government, you pretty much have to kill a co-worker to be thrown out. We had some realy doozies at the CAC! So if you are looking for job security that is the ticket!
