Oak Tree Itch Mites


Active member
Anybody getting any of these, it’s brutal, I’ve been working at a place in Oakbrook and these mites are biting me alive, they’re very microscopic. They’re the result of the cicada infestation we’ve had and they feed off of the eggs off the cicadas, it is said that 300,000 to 400,000 of these drop down from a single oak tree every day, anyone else having this experience?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Yeah, I had them, the Northern Wisconsin variety, mostly on exposed skin like arms and legs though they say the mites can travel through clothing. They start out like mosquito bites then swell up and itch like crazy. It took about a week for mine to heal. I used cortisone but not much helped.


Active member
It’s like crazy, you’re not kidding, the best thing to do is try not to itch them or just magnifies it, couple nights ago they were like electric pulses in my arm. I couldn’t stop it, I took two Benadryl‘s, and that seemed to help, but the old saying goes

“I’m going to need an ocean…
of calamine lotion….


Well-known member
My daughter lives in Naperville and she said they were referred to as cicada mites.