Occupy John Dee


OK, I've had enough.

I want snow.

There is no snow.

It's John Dee's fault, he's the weather dude, not us.

Time to Occupy John Dee until we get what we want.

Bring, sleds, tents, grilles and beer and plan to be there for a while.

Maybe all of us sitting in his front yard will make him push the big red button on his desk marked "SNOW".

It's time for civil disobedience!


Staff member
As long as folks bring tents, food, grilles and beer.... Come On Up!



This isn't a bad idea. I'm not sure my family will survive being in a cabin for 4 days next week with each other without a break. Then my kids could have Gracie to play with.


New member
We already have tents setup for OccupyMassCity. We would be thrilled to open another camp further north.

From an earlier published statement, "I'm proud to say, Mass City can now be considered a player in the Occupy Movement. Why should the Rockies and British Columbia get all the snow. SNOW IS A RIGHT, and we want our fair share here in the Upper Peninsula. We plan on having one of the safest tent cities in all of the movement! If you would like to join us protesting for the equal distribution of snow, you know where to find us!"

@teamkesslers #OccupyMass


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New member
Beat me to it Timner!

Good luck guys. We tried civil disobedience to protest the lack of snow in Mass City back in early December - it really got in our craw that 1% of the US (Southern Colorado) was getting almost all of the ridable snow!

From the looks of it, our demostrations have only seemed to make the disparity worse...
Since our sit-in, the Yoop has lost a lot of the little snow it had, and we have seen the 1% get even more snow - so much in fact that Chirs Burandt is complaining that he can't film!!! (sweet video by the way)

<OBJECT width="560" height="315">

</OBJECT>Maybe we need to try rolling up our sleeves and making snow ourselves rather than expecting it to be just given to us?
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Well-known member
Beat me to it Timner!

Maybe we need to try rolling up our sleeves and making snow ourselves rather than expecting it to be just given to us?

Now there is and idea have the groomers tow a giant snow machine around behind them!


Active member
I'll bring a wood chipper and an ice maker to John's. After a few hours we should be able to do laps in the yard.


Active member
dc - thanks for starting the thread....thanks to everyone else who posted!! still laughing!!

We'll start an occupy White Pine movement on 12/29. Tents, grills and beer are welcome. We're easy enough to find...it's the 'new pole barn' house!?